Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dave's contact info

Hi all - they're going to turn off my email address at some point soon, so here's some ways to get in touch with me if you need to:

503 / 686 - 5040 is my cell phone. I generally keep the ringer off, and check my voice mail a couple of times a week, but there it is. is another email address that I see almost every day. Identify yourself as a Clark student to help situate me...

I hope everyone's enjoying their summer, and good luck in your future math career!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Key for Log practice

Here's a link to a funny Youtube video of cute cats.

Ha! No no, just kidding - here's the link to the key to the practice on logs. Good luck and see you Saturday!

Quadratics and Parabola practice KEY

Hi all - here's the key to the practice on quadratics and parabolas:

Monday, June 6, 2011

Log practice link

Hi all - here are some questions to practice for the final with about logs. It's kind of a lot of questions, I know.

I'll post the key to both this and the quadratics practice Tuesday afternoon - look for them to be posted before 5pm.

Good luck, and see you Saturday,


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Class for June 4th

Hi all - whew! It's been a long term, hasn't it? Keep the math energy up for one more week.

Today we talked about solving equations involving logs, and graphing parabolas using the intercepts and the vertex. In other words, we finished chapter 11 and looked at a tiny bit of section 10.4.

Keep in mind as you read section 10.4 that the book does a different kind of thing than we do on graphing parabolas. Look at objectinves 10.6 and 10.7 on using the vertex formula, and don't worry about anything involving completing the square, or transformations.

I've posted a link to the activity on graphing parabolas, and I'll post a link to an activity on logs tonight or tomorrow. Tuesday night I'll post links to the keys for both of these, too.

Next week I'll take homework questions and review anything you like from 9am - 10am. Bring your questions! At 10am I'll give the final exam, and then we'll be done, and can breathe clear and easy until our next math class.

For some homework problems:

10.4: 55-73 odd, and 85-93 odd

Chapter 11 test (pages 1079-1080): 1 - 45 all

Good luck, and see you next week!
