Sunday, April 24, 2011

Post for Class Saturday, April 23rd

Hi all,

We almost finished chapter 7 today. Next week we'll do the last section from here, section 8.9, and start chapter 9. Wherever we get to next week, that's the material on the exam in two weeks.

Fractions can be tricky, so keep your mind focused. There's a few things to remember:

-If we have both the top and the bottom fully factored (only multiplying outside of parentheses) then we can cancel factors from the top and the bottom.

-We can multiply both the top and the bottom of a fraction by the same thing - that's like multiplying the entire fraction by 1.

-If we have an equation, we can multiply both sides by the same thing. We usually do this after we have a common denominator, to make all the bottom parts of the fractions vanish.

-If I have a fraction inside a fraction, I can flip the bottom one (or the right one, depending on how I write the division) and multiply instead.

And then all our regular fraction rules still apply - adding or subtracting requires the bottom pieces to be the same, and then we add the top pieces together, for instance.

Here's a homework suggestion for next week. I'm trying something new here.

First, try the Chapter 7 Test on page 640: problems 1-30. If you rock out on those, that might be all you need to do.

If you got a few wrong, or you want more practice, move to the Chapter 7 Section reviews for sections 7.1 - 7.6 on pages 632-637. Do problems 1 - 62 here and see how they go.

If you want still more practice, pick-and-choose your way through the sections that gave you the most trouble from the first six sections of chapter 7.

You might also look at the Chapters 1 through 7 cumulative review on pages 642-644, problems 1 - 64. That would be a nice overview of all the material so far - not just the recent stuff on fractions.

Good luck! I'll have the projects back to you next week - see you Saturday!


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